Part Scientist. Part Designer.
Designing health from the outside in
Join me on my mission to bring design research to all our places and spaces— to get us to a tipping point where we routinely measure our built environments, and continuously optimize health, performance, and access.
People + Place. My background in archeology helped me to understand connections between people and place. Archeology is really just doing architecture in reverse order: archeologists study physical artifacts and building ruins to understand the people and the cultures who built them. Architects study people to understand what physical environments can best support their behaviors and cultures.
Neuroscience + Architecture. After earning my professional degree in Architecture, I joined the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA) where I trained in a neuroscience laboratory, and developed workshops bringing together architects and neuroscientists to cultivate a new discipline. Neuroscience evidence helps us understand how our brains and behaviors are influenced by the built environment. By applying this knowledge to design, we can create places which promote health, wellbeing, performance and inclusivity.
Science-informed Design + Innovation. Currently, I am Director of Research for BA/Science, a research and innovation group under Boulder Associates Architects, a healthcare design firm. In this role, I develop research partnerships with healthcare organizations to help them move towards a data driven future, innovate novel methods for collecting and mapping data, and translate evidence with design teams to optimize design.